
Documenting the creative process of sisters Briana Linden (in Portland, Oregon) and Phaedra Elizabeth (in Brooklyn, New York). They've been working together for the past 27 years, since they met and became family when one was 7 and the other 5.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

tuesdays were hard last august also. at least this is the last one for the year.

Monday, August 17, 2009

inspiration for k* shoe drawing

our real inspiration is Lauren Becall from the 40's, but i have this photo of My Phong's shoes that she wore to my birthday party that i totally love. all off center and off kilter . .

some how her strapy shoes and the tiled floors fall in line with my thoughts on a modern 1940's Becall for Fall 10 for k* . . . .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I still believe in magic. . .

and I still love the sight of the moon on a clear night.

I still prefer the bright side, and I still see all the good, everywhere.

good is in full bloom.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Where is the shade in the night time?

it is annoyingly hot and muggy for 10pm. While this photo is not from today, it's the one I thought of in my file of "to be posted", seemed the best showing the sunshine. or the shade.

I've been revisiting my thoughts on how I want to use this space, I'm sure I want to be using it, posting more, maybe writing more. I've been reading so much lately I might be going back to the beginning of the circle and instead I want to distract myself with the photos, hats, shoes and dresses.. .. I might start shooting the shoes, hats and dresses.

just as soon as it's cool enough to be productive in the studio again. oh and maybe when I start spending more evenings in the studio again . ..

yep, that sounds good.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

from my walk to Daniel's house

I'm very behind, I don't remember which sunday night this was from, but it was a lovely evening, we finished his curtains and 4 bottles of wine. to get there I walked past the Brooklyn Museum and the Botanical Gardens (I've yet to go into either of these places). It was a good walk to get there.

We'll have to do it again soon.